Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Fate and U

3:30 AM NH 45
They were returning from Pondichery.Rishy and his friends.

They were six.

After all the dicussion abt their trip/romance/girls/love
etc topic changed to GOD,spiritual forces.

Vignesh said "So what do u say about persons who exactly tell about your fortune"
Gopi added "yes da.It is true i have real life experience machi"
Rishy "Shut up..its all science.Its a set theory.They have a super set of incidents and yours is a subset"

Vignesh "Illa machi.I accept we have advanced in science.But there is some supernatural power that governs us"


Gopi "Birth ,death, also you finding a girl :- everything is pre defined machi.Its specifed and we are adhering to those specifications"

Raghu peeped in "Its called fate"

Rishy : "Fate.Wow.
You can change the so called fate.If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
Whatever limits us we call fate.
Its all your planning that gets into life.
Child birth me and my wouldbe can decide a birth date before my child is born.
Ok now there are hundreds and thousands of GOD worship.Has anyone seen GOD in real."

Vignesh "But lot have felt it.Its prevailing everywhere.It governs us.Am not supporting idol worship or all those mis-believes.But all i am stating is, there is are good and evil forces.We live among them.Ok you said u can plan for u r child birth, your marriage and what about DEATH."

Rishi cant control his laugher.

Raghu added "You know some people even hear the dead da.Its true."

Rishi "That is the extremum of insanity.Will u guys shut up"

Huge noise.Thier van swirled and rolled over the highway.
It was blackened.

Rishi opened his eyes and slowly came out of the crumbled metal.
He found every one lying dead.Vignesh face got damaged beyond recognition.

And Rishy did not have a single abrasion.Not even a single.

He stood there.He had no control over the tears.

"What happened.Why me alone got spared" he asked himself.

"Its your fate Rishy. Wherever the fates lead us let us follow.."
Rishy heard it and he can clearly make out that it was "Vignesh voice".


BZ said...

Wah wah!!
Nice one. All your stories seem to have a 'moral' :))

Kavitha Jay said...

fate lead me to mr.logic's blog and made me write this beautiful comment:P...
good one pa....indha fate..birth..death..all these things makes my head spin..cuz i have no answer for them...

che sara sara said...

hey my heart is beating faster now
lemme settle down...
oh my God

its fabulous da...really well done

KC! said...

logic, not upto your mark. Sorry offending-a irundhadhu-na, but couldn't really see logic (pun intended) in the story.

Kirukal said...

Reminds me of the movie "Final destination"!!! Scary stuff!

Has to be me said...

Good one logic. Who knows whats gonna happen to us the next second.

logic said...

Thanks.Moral vandhu not intentional..
pathiya kindal thane
eah its true.Wierd tiopic to discuss.
Is it?But i took so much time to compose this stuff than my earlier posts.
This was an inspiration of "WhiteNoise"
Thanks for dropping by.That is fate.
Ammu might be intersting/scary if you put urself in Rishy's place.

AJ ! Serendipity !!! said...

wow. it sure is written very well.
u cud also call it synchrodestiny

Butterflies said...

Hey thats an interseting topic...The way u have narrated the story...demands appreciation..Good keep it up

dakaltiz said...

Fate ?
Luck ?
God's will?
- a complex topic to discuss da..
somethingz which is out of our mind's reach i guess..

"Whatever limits us we call fate"
-well this is true to a greater extent da..we put the blame on fate only for bad things in life and never bother abt fate when good things happen!

*logic dei..itz been a long time i've been out of the blogworld..starting off with a comment in ur blog..